Holly Nase Interiors
Unique Designs for Modern Needs
For 25 years Holly Nase Interiors has produced expertly outlined, client driven designs
Our leading edge concepts, attention to detail and careful budget allocations are why you will value working with our full service team
Interior Design
Our services included:
Space Planning
Fixture & Finishes
New Construction Finishes
Color Palettes & Fabrics
Window Treatments
Furniture & Accessories
3D Rendering
When thinking about the working environment, a well-designed business habitat leads to higher productivity and sharpened client impressions.
We explore how the staff utilizes the space. Then we maximize its functionality, incorporating clean colors, textures, and light to create a space you’re proud to open every day
Successful residential projects start with a personal plan. Our team takes time to learn about each clients tastes and needs to create a space that reflects your own personality.
Our goal is to capture your own perfect vision of your space and fall in love with your home.